NJB Hoofcare Area of Operation
An effective regimen for preventing lameness in your herd can have a significant impact on the yield and profitability you achieve.
Regular visits for mobility scoring, assessment and hoof trimming as required can help you minimise the main causes of lameness. As highly experienced and qualified hoof trimmers, and licenced Mobillity Scorers, you can be sure of first class lameness prevention services for your herd. Throughout Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, Somerset, Monmouthshire and Gwent, we offer a complete consultancy, assessment and foot trimming service.
Call us on the number shown or click in the header of any page to send us an email and arrange an initial consultancy visit.
The happy hoof trimming course members in Cornwall
The practical, hands on sessions cover all aspects of basic trimming as well as the use, care and maintenance of equipment. As you can see from the number of smiling faces in the group, these courses are also a lot of fun in a low pressure environment that encourages attendees to take part and get the most from their day.
For future training courses, keep an eye on our calendar page, or call us to arrange a coaching visit to your farm or group.
Luckily, at about that time, many doctors were beginning to prescribe stays by the sea to benefit health, so Minehead quickly became a popular resort with health seekers. With the wheel going full circle, there is a good deal of agriculture in the area aroud Minehead and a number of local dairy farmers have come to rely on NB Hoofcare for: